Permanent markers such as sharpie are well......PERMANENT. But don't let the fact that they are permanent discourage you from being able to get them out of your clothes. As always, we have a few simple hacks to get these stains out of your clothes.
Here are the steps to take to remove these stains:
Blot the stain carefully with RUBBING ALCOHOL (you may need to test this on a piece of your fabric to make sure it doesn't damage it because rubbing alcohol is a strong cleaner)
Turn your fabric inside out and blot the stain again from the other side
Spot treat the stain by rubbing laundry detergent or liquid dish soap directly into the stain
Wash as normal
Inspect the stain and proceed to dry if the stain is removed or repeat steps 1-4 if necessary
We hope this helps in removing these stains. As always, catching the stain and treating it before you dry is always best.