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Why Hang Dry Your Clothes?

clothes hang drying. Supermat laundromat flagstaff arizona

Don't get me wrong, dryers have their time and place, but have you ever wondered if you should be hang-drying any of your clothes? Enjoy this quick read on when you might take advantage of hang-drying and how to do it properly.

Benefits and when to use this method:

  • Delicate fabrics such as athletic wear

  • Anything you are concerned about heat damage

  • Anything you are concerned about shrinking

  • Elastic bands in clothes such as underwear

  • A good rule of thumb is: synthetic, wool, or lace hang drys well

How to properly use this method:

  • Hang tops and bottoms upside down

  • If laying clothes out and not hanging them, always layout on a flat surface preferably near a fan or vent

Hope this helps!

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